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Product picture sprouted buchwheat bread glutenfree

Lebenskeimbrot Buckwheat

Buckwheat is a wonderful pseudo cereal that has the wonderful...

Productphoto gluten free buckwheat Zwieback

Lebenskeim Zwieback Buckwheat

Our unique buckwheat bread is sliced and gently cut. The result is a...

Productphoto gluten free buckwheat Schüttelbrot

Lebenskeim Schüttelbread Buckwheat

This unique snack is probably the first gluten-free Schüttelbread...

Product picture sprouted spelt bread

Lebenskeimbrot Spelt

If grain drives out, it is no longer able to bake! But we want...

Product picture sprouted buchwheat bread with chia seeds and walnuts glutenfree

Lebenskeimbrot Buckwheat chia seeds & walnuts

Buckwheat is a wonderful pseudo cereal that has the wonderful...

Product picture sprouted rye bread

Lebenskeimbrot Rye

If grain drives out, it is no longer able to bake! But we want...